As a part of Bixby First Methodist Church, our Children's Ministry is founded upon a strong Christian faith and a dedication to serving our community. From interactive lessons and activities to opportunities for service and giving, our goal is to help children grow in faith, character and leadership.

We are excited to have you join us!
Growing in Christ from Birth & Beyond
Sunday Mornings
On Sunday mornings the nursery is available for children ages 6 weeks-three years old. The nursery is open from 8:20-12:15p.m. with wonderful workers who are excited to care for your child!
Children's Church
Children’s Church is offered during the 8:30 and 11:00 services for children ages 3-6. Children’s church provides a time of kid-style worship songs, a story from the Bible, and a craft correlating with the story. Activity bags are available during the services for children who are older than six.
Children's Sunday School
Children’s Sunday school classes begin at 9:45a.m. Children who are in Pre-K meet in the children’s classroom downstairs. Children in Kindergarten-6th Grade will gather in the classrooms in the children’s area on the second floor. We are excited to help your children know Jesus, grow in their faith, and show the love of Jesus to others!
Wednesday Night
Wednesday Night Activities
We offer classes for all ages on Wednesday nights during the school year! Classes will begin September 13th, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Children in Pre-K & Kindergarten gather in the downstairs children’s classroom, while children in 1st-6th grade meet upstairs in the Gathering Room.